I found a very interesting article on Healself.org about healing Acne naturally. (As I have struggled with Acne for a few years now without ever really trying to do anything about it,(I guess I just figured I would live with it) I am really excited to try out some of the advice & tips below!! ;) (They also have free Articles on things like Addictions, Bad Habit, Aging, Alcoholism, etc etc.) Bookmark it!
WHAT KIND OF APPLICATIONS SHOULD BE USED ON YOUR ACNE TO HELP HEAL IT?The use of drugs, salves, shots, chemical applications and treatments, mechanical decorations, cosmetic abuses, sprays and X-rays are extremely harmful and complicate all skin disorders. They must never be used In humans. As for "skin foods", blood is the only skin food. It is not designed to accept nutriment from the outside. Topical applications have no salubrious effect on the health of the skin but rather simply disguise and/or palliate symptoms. Only certain, never-meant-to-be encountered toxic substances such as carbon tetrachloride can penetrate through the skin. These chemicals are, of course, destructive to the organism and must be avoided. It is the fault of the individual, if the complexion is bad, and it is up to the individual to correct these faults. A dry skin or an oily skin, atrophy of the skin, blotchy complexion and pimples are always caused by avoidable errors in diet. A truly beautiful face becomes unattractive when it is either too pale or too ruddy, too oily or scaly from being too dry, if it is rough or blotchy or has hair growing in the wrong places.
You should lie down, keep your body inactive, keep your eyes closed and concentrate, meditate, think on, keep your mind on your symptoms and discomforts, until your symptoms and distresses completely disappear. This is "feeling meditation".
Meditation is listening to the God within, the inherent intelligence. The God within is always talking to you, not with words, but with communicating with you via "feelings" throughout your body. Prayer is becoming silent, going within, aligning with and acknowledging God as All-in-All. Meditation and prayer are 2 steps with the same ultimate goal, communion with the God within. You are an expression of the image and likeness of the God within. You are whole and perfect. As you are already perfect, all you need do is to commune with the God within, become aware of that perfection and become healed.
I AM PERFECT & HEALTHY. MY ACNE IS HEALED. THIS IS TRUE PRAYERYour body is constantly telling you what it needs. All disease, pain and suffering are caused by negative thought patterns. The beliefs we were taught, that have convinced us that we are separate from God, perfection and health, are false ideas that have no power. The only power these beliefs have is the power we give to them. These false beliefs can be dissolved instantly understanding that the true you is perfect and healthy. My acne is healed. This is true prayer.
WHEN YOU EXCESSIVELY ABUSE YOUR BODY, & DEVELOP ACNE, YOUR GOD WITHIN, YOUR INHERENT INTELLIGENCE DOES THE RIGHT THING & CAUSES YOU TO WATER FAST, I.E., TO PHYSIOLOGICALLY RESTWhy do we involuntarily go into sleep, comas, faint, become unconscious, develop pains, tremors, seizures, strokes, paralysis, convulsions, fevers, symptoms, loss of hunger, physiological dysfunctions, delusions, hallucinations, pathologies and diseases? Our bodies are overwhelmed with excessive stress, excessive enervation and excessive toxemia, with which our source within, our inherent intelligence is unable presently to cope and to adapt. Therefore our God within, our inherent intelligence forces us to physiologically rest, i.e., to water fast, so as to survive, despite our self-destructive incorrect physicality, mentality, emotionality and spirituality. Our bodies are always self-healing and always do the right thing when we have diseases. Since life began on earth, our inherent intelligence within each cell of our bodies, has learned to make the optimum adaptation and resolution, to any problem to which our bodies are subjected. Whatever stresses our bodies presently have, every cell of our bodies has successfully learned how to cope with such, previously. It is already built into our genes, our chromosomes and our DNA. Our inherent intelligence, if it chooses to cause us to physiologically rest, i.e., to water fast, it does so to protect us. This physiological rest, i.e., this water fast, helps us survive, despite our self-destructive lifestyle, thinking, emotionality and spirituality. Our physiological rest, i.e., our water fast, is for our protective benefit. Our need to physiologically rest, i.e., to water fast, will spontaneously disappear, and genuine hunger will return, when the cause and need for our inherent intelligence to cause us to physiologically rest, i.e., to water fast, no longer exists.
WATER FAST, WITH "FEELING MEDITATION", HELPS YOU HEAL YOUR ACNE IMMEDIATELY AND PERMANENTLYEveryone who has acne, should fast (physiological rest) as the surest and most rapid means of freeing the body of toxemia. A water fast is necessary to restore nervous poise to you with your skin problems. Water fasting usually leads to cessation of your skin symptoms, permanently.
YOU SHOULD WATER FAST WITH "FEELING MEDITATION", TO HELP YOU HEAL YOUR ACNEWhen you water fast to help heal your skin, you should keep your eyes closed, every day that you water fast. A water fast is a physiological rest and therefore to conserve vital energy and help heal yourself, you should always do a water fast lying down, with your eyes constantly closed, no talking, and only sleeping and/or concentrating, meditating on, paying attention to and feel your symptoms until you are asymptomatic, i.e., until you no longer have any symptoms.
SUNBATHING & SUN-GAZING HELP YOU HEAL YOUR ACNESun-gaze and sunbathe to help heal your acne and other skin problems. Sunbathing every possible part of one's body and face, as often as possible, will help heal every skin disease, completely and permanently, better and faster, than any procedure that civilization can invent! See our article on Sunbathing on our web site to learn how the sunshine will help heal your skin.
EAT A CONSTRUCTIVELY BENEFICIAL DIET TO HELP YOU HEAL YOUR ACNE & TO HELP PREVENT YOU EVER DEVELOPING ACNEOur inherent intelligence, our source within, is always talking to us. If we "feelingly meditate" and pay attention to our inner self, we will always know the best foods to eat, when and how much to eat. If we depend on our "civilized" ideas of how to eat, we will become sick. We should eat only natural foods, that we would eat in the wild. We should eat only fresh, natural, raw foods that are palatable to us and that agree with us, with all the essential minerals and essential nutrients. Every bit of agricultural exploitative commercialization and soil depletion, bioengineering, experimental breeding, processing, cooking, hybridizing, mutation and pollution, destroys vitamins, enzymes, minerals, nucleic acids, chlorophyl, damages fats and makes the fatty matter a local irritant. This agricultural exploitative commercialization and soil depletion, bioengineering, experimental breeding, processing, cooking, hybridizing, mutation and pollution, excessively stresses every cell of our bodies, results in our impaired nutrition and results in our impaired health.
HEAL YOUR ACNEHeal your "hopeless" acne, by getting adequate sleep, water fasting, "feeling meditation", air bathing, sunbathing, eating raw, unprocessed and palatable foods and correct physicality, mentality, emotionality and spirituality.

Awesome info above adapted from www.healself.org - "Incurable means Curable from Within!!"