All natural cleansers, scrubs & skin care created by AnnMarie, with cute packaging and reasonable prices I definitely recommend trying these products out. They are all Natural, the first ingredient on all her products is *Love*! :). She has different products for oil, normal and dry skin types. To find out your skin type;
A good way to see what kind of skin you have is
to do this simple test.
>Wash your face at night before you go to bed.Dry it.When you wake up in the morning, take a tissue,lay it flat on your face and pat it against your
>If the tissue has no oily spots, you have dry
>If the tissue has oily spots in your t-zone which
is your nose, forehead and chin, you have combination
>If the tissue is oily everywhere, then you have
oily skin
Here is a link to her products,http://store.renegadehealth.com/Bath-Beauty-c5 also explore the rest of this website its freaking awesome! and full of good info!!